luvstitch (more...)

i wonder who she is?
Ballerina face,Fading hair,Cat eyes,Guailan mouth,Tanned body,
"Perfect" love,Happy family,Screw up in studies,Fuckedup life


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Sunday, September 26, 2010, 11:18 PM

Last min F1 with daddy,practise round on friday,qualifying/placing round on saturday and the F1 race today!And for the race today the only thing i got to say is,FUCKYOU WEBBER!and madlove baby's mummy for booking a hotel room us and treating me to Universal Studio(:although me and baby had a little arguement on some stuff but nevertheless did we spoiled this memorable day(:took photos everywhere i go ,even on the rides that at one part i ''accidentally'' bought it up the Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure which i know clearly that i will be drench,yupp and so water when in to my camera and it went crazy for the next 30mins,flashing as and when,not able to delete pictures,wet battery but fortunately it came back to normal(:had a break for this three days of non working and start of the next week,work again.i really need to give myself time to pack for the japan trip this coming Friday.Please,no last mins
Pictures from the first day of F1:

Pictures on Saturday,F1 Day 2

i shall post the rest of the picturews another time due to lazyness.goodnight!