luvstitch (more...)

i wonder who she is?
Ballerina face,Fading hair,Cat eyes,Guailan mouth,Tanned body,
"Perfect" love,Happy family,Screw up in studies,Fuckedup life


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Wanting Liyue Keekee Shelley Chirley Camie Mileen Ziela Christel Crystal Cymon Cyntherea Chaisheng Daniel Donna{LJ} Donna{B} Eunice Erma Geraldine hamizah Hariz Jayden Jemaine Jeremy Jeslinda Jiazhen Juitying Kar leong Kelly Leonard Lyeeena Maisie Mei jing Melvin Mitchell Rachel Sabbie Sharon Sockhan Tiffany ValerieC ValerieT Vanessa VanessaBOON Weekiong Yeetong Vivien
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 12:15 AM

drifting further and futher away from each other,
byebye to my LG crystal and HELLO blackberry bold!